About Me

My name is Jessica Antoine. Born and raised in Louisiana. I'm a wife to an amazingly loving husband, 3 kids, and a fur baby. I found my love for creating under my mother's sewing table and turned that love into my passion. I began creating in my hometown designing props and stage displays. I wanted to try my hand at handmade unique party crafts and that's where my love for selling on Etsy grew. I have been actively selling on Etsy since 2016. It was the best choice I've ever made to grow my small business. Since then, my family and I have relocated to Nebraska. I'm still loving what I do- and can't wait to explore it on an even bigger platform one day. I hope you can tell, I'm eagerly passionate about what I do. I love to bring my designs to the forefront and bring you all amazing crafts not only do you love- but I cherish! From baby showers to birthday parties, I love designing for all your special occasions. Thank you for trusting me to provide you with an amazing experience and top notch designs. Yours truly- Jess.